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Najnowszy film Patryka Vegi "POLITYKA" od 6 września w kinach w Belgii, Holandii i Luksemburgu. Bilety już w sprzedaży. Film w oryginalnej wersji - po polsku z angielskimi napisami.
Film zostanie pokazany w sieci kin Kinepolis m.in. Den Bosch, Breda, Dordrecht, Hoofddorp, Almere, Oss, Jaarbeurs Utrecht, Zoetermeer, Enschede.
[ENG] Patryk Vega, the director of such box office hits as ”Botoks” (2017), “Pitbull. Niebezpieczne Kobiety” (2017) or “Kobiety Mafii” (2018) portrays the events that have taken place in Polish politics in recent years and the attendant consequences, as well as the current political situation in the country. The new production reveals the background of the Polish political scene and exposes the true face of the politicians of all political groups.
The movie presents politics as a world of frustrated, mutually conflicted people who will do anything to achieve power, money and their pursued objectives.
Co? Film Patryka Vegi "Polityka"
Gdzie? Kina Kinepolis: Den Bosch, Breda, Dordrecht, Hoofddorp, Almere, Oss, Jaarbeurs Utrecht, Zoetermeer, Enschede
Kiedy? 6, 7 i 8 września 2019
Bilety: od 11 euro
02.09.2019, Niedziela.NL
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