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Spotkanie z dziennikarką polsko-niderlandzką Dore van Duivenbode, autorką emitowanej niedawno w telewizji pięcioodcinkowej serii reportaży "Moja Polska".
Spotkanie w języku angielskim odbędzie się w ramach projektu School's Out.
[ENG] School's Out! #4 with Dore van Duivenbode.
Van Duivenbode studied history at the University of Utrecht, after which she has worked for various media platforms such as VPRO, KRO-NCRV, NRC Handelsblad and Vrij Nederland. In 2018 she published her first book called Mijn Poolse huis (My Polish house) for which she has been nominated with the Bob den Uyl-award, for best journalistic travelbook of 2018. Recently she worked together with director Britta Hosman on the television series Moja Polska! during which she shows the viewer a Poland as it has not been portrayed before. She investigates how it is possible that her motherland has changed so much during her life and looks at the county’s turbulent history from communism to western democracy and more recently a return to conservatism.
In her talk, Dore van Duivenbode will tell more about Poland as departure ánd arrival country. How has Poland been influenced by the mass migration to Western-Europe and the arrival of 1,5 million Ukrainians? She will also elaborate on her work as a journalist by showing scenes from Moja Polska!
18.00 - 19:00 Drinks, food, and tunes
19.00 - 19:45 Talk by Dore van Duivenbode + Q&A
19.45 - 20:00 Film selected by Jord den Hollander
20:00 - 22.00 Drinks, food, and tunes
Co? Spotkanie z Dore van Duivenbode
Gdzie? Independent School for the City, Delftsestraat 33, 3013 AE Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Holandia / Nederland [Mapka TUTAJ]
Kiedy? Piątek 26 kwietnia 2019, od godz. 18.00 do 22.00
Bilety: 5 euro, do kupienia online TUTAJ.
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Niedziela.NL, opublikowane w portalu 24.04.2019 // źródło: Independent School for the City // fot. Independent School for the City
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